MiSTer FPGA – Shinobi (忍) / Sega System 16 Arcade [BETA]

There was a surprise release of a beta Shinobi core by Jotego recently. Gave it a spin and overall it’s in pretty good shape so far. A couple issues I noticed with the beta are a couple rows of junk on the left edge of the screen, the victory/stage end sound doesn’t play for the 2nd stage boss sometimes (Helicopter), ninja magic sometimes slows down the game more than usual and doesn’t display effects properly, and the bonus stages soft lock the game if you win them currently as well.

Besides that, the game feels as good as ever and the low lag controls on MiSTer feel right at home with the arcade classic. I’ve never gotten this far in the game on one quarter before, actually making it past the stage 3 boss for the first time on 1cr in this video. In one of my trial runs, I was able to beat the first stage boss without him even firing a shot! It takes pretty exact timing for that, so I’ll chalk it up to the recent Rhythm Tengoku sessions on the GBA core for that one ^-^

Sega System 16 beta core by Jotego. Support his patreon for other arcade awesomeness, including CPS-2.

Sega System 16 beta core 04-02-2021 build – Shinobi (忍)

Filter: Scanlines(Bright)115_80_soft // Gamma: Poly 2.5

Played using a Razer Panthera Evo arcade stick with 1ms USB polling.

Video: Integer scaled to 1080p // HDMI to Datapath e1s capture card

Volume reduced 49% (Loud game!)

00:00​​ – Boot
00:13​​ – Title / Demo
01:13 – Gameplay

Live gameplay streams on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/WalrusFPGA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WalrusFPGA


None of this would be possible without the constant hard work of Sorgelig. It cannot be overstated how much he has done and continues to do for this project, since its beginning. You can support him either at his Patreon in the link below, or on Paypal, depending on your preference. MiSTer is a paradigm shift in how we can experience these classic games. This is a long-term preservation project that will continue to grow so that gamers today and in the future can experience these excellent systems as accurately and lag-free as possible. Donating what you can will help keep the updates coming. Thank you.

Patreon: https://patreon.com/FPGAMiSTer

PayPal: https://paypal.me/FPGAMiSTer

NOTE: I am not affiliated with Sorgelig and am only sharing these links as a fan of the project who wishes to see it continue to grow rapidly.


Github link for this core: https://github.com/jotego/jtcps1

MiSTer Forum/Wiki/Github (source, guides and info): http://MiSTerFPGA.org

Official MiSTer Discord for live chat/help: https://discord.gg/4xKVg4XVYn
(Be respectful; this server is moderated. New users must !verify via Captcha.)


Worldwide list of sellers for MiSTer expansion boards: https://misterfpga.org/viewforum.php?f=34&sid=74e1c5e7dae1b99284789d93194cfa0b

I have personally ordered all my parts from https://www.MiSTerAddons.com and have been 100% satisfied with the quality and service there. (North American seller. If in a different region, check list linked above for best local shipping rates.)


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