MiSTer FPGA – Xmas Lemmings 1991 & 1992 / Amiga

My first time playing Lemmings in decades, and very first for these special Xmas levels that released as free demos of the game in 1991 and 1992, before getting a full release of their own called Holiday Lemmings in 1993. I also hadn’t played the game on its original release platform (Amiga) until now. Some of these Xmas levels are very tricky and took me a bunch of tries to figure out before recording!

Considering the choppy scrolling that comes with the 50hz PAL frequency here, its probably best to stick with the DOS version. The original music in the Amiga releases make them certainly worth a try for fans of the series though. It’s very different than what you would hear on the many other platforms this series released on. If the choppiness of the scrolling doesn’t bother you, this version is perfectly playable so long as you have your mouse sensitivity dialed in correctly. (use mouse_throttle ini option for this)

It’s hard to believe when revisiting this game that the developer, DMA Design would go on to make the Grand Theft Auto series. Their penchant for quality shies throughout their history in gaming though, and Lemmings is no exception. It seemed everyone in the early 90’s had at least some version of this game at home. The simple to learn gameplay and constant ramp in difficulty creates a very addictive gameplay loop as you try and solve the tricky levels they crafted with a varying amount of resources and time limit given.

R.I.P. Ian Hetherington, whom passed away earlier this month and was one of the founders of Psygnosis, the publisher of this game.

If anyone has some recommendations for Amiga games to try (both single and two-player) please leave a comment below. My gaming buddy loves classic computers and Atari consoles so that’s generally what we spend time with when he visits. He also never had any exposure to the Amiga, but it’s a system we would both like to explore further.

Amiga core 7-05-21 build – Xmas Lemmings 1991 & 1992

Filter: Scanlines(Bright)110_85_soft // Gamma: Poly 2.3

Core options: CPU: 68020 // D-Cache: OFF // Chipset: AGA // Model: A1200

Played using a Logitech g400s mouse @400 dpi w/ 1000hz USB polling.

INI settings: mouse_throttle=5

Settings: 5x Integer Scaled to 1080p // HDMI to Datapath e1s capture card

00:00 – Boot
00:42 – Xmas Lemmings 1991 – Title / Credits
01:26 – Xmas Lemmings 1991 – Level 1
05:41 – Xmas Lemmings 1991 – Level 2
09:43 – Xmas Lemmings 1991 – Level 3
13:08 – Xmas Lemmings 1991 – Level 4
17:00 – Xmas Lemmings 1992 – Title / Credits
18:11 – Xmas Lemmings 1992 – Level 1
19:00 – Xmas Lemmings 1992 – Level 2
25:50 – Xmas Lemmings 1992 – Level 3
27:54 – Xmas Lemmings 1992 – Level 4

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/WalrusFPGA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WalrusFPGA


None of this would be possible without the constant hard work of Sorgelig. It cannot be overstated how much he has done and continues to do for this project, since its beginning. You can support him either at his Patreon in the link below, or on Paypal, depending on your preference. MiSTer is a paradigm shift in how we can experience these classic games. This is a long-term preservation project that will continue to grow so that gamers today and in the future can experience these excellent systems as accurately and lag-free as possible. Donating what you can will help keep the updates coming. Thank you.

Patreon: https://patreon.com/FPGAMiSTer

PayPal: https://paypal.me/FPGAMiSTer

NOTE: I am not affiliated with Sorgelig and am only sharing these links as a fan of the project who wishes to see it continue to grow rapidly.


Github link for this core: https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Minimig-AGA_MiSTer

MiSTer Forum/Wiki/Github (source, guides and info): http://MiSTerFPGA.org

Official MiSTer Discord for live chat/help: https://discord.gg/4xKVg4XVYn
(Be respectful; this server is moderated. New users must be verified.)


Worldwide list of sellers for MiSTer expansion boards: https://misterfpga.org/viewforum.php?f=34&sid=74e1c5e7dae1b99284789d93194cfa0b

I have personally ordered all my parts from https://www.MiSTerAddons.com and have been 100% satisfied with the quality and service there. (North American seller. If in a different region, check list linked above for best local shipping rates.)


  • Convertisseur de Contrôleur SNAC, Carte IO de Jeu pour Atari 2600 vers pour Convertisseur de Contrôleur USB 3.0 sans Retard SNAC pour Mister FPGA
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  • Carte SDRAM Eboxer, Carte SDR SDRAM XS V2.2 32 Mo, Remplacement pour Carte FPGA Mister ou Terasic DE10-Nano FPGA, Carte MiS Ter IO
    Convient pour MisTer FPGA, pour Terasic DE10-Nano FPGA board, un bon choix de remplacement. Condensateurs de haute qualité, testés pendant plus d'une demi-heure à 150 MHz, compatibles avec la carte MiSTer IO. Plusieurs cœurs de console sont utilisés dans le jeu pour tester chaque cœur afin de s'assurer qu'il n'y a pas de problèmes. Cette carte ultra-mince (XS) v2.2 fournit une mémoire SDR SDRAM de 32 Mo pour les cœurs qui nécessitent une mémoire plus grande (> 512 Ko). Fabriqué en matériau de haute qualité, ce qui le rend durable et a une longue durée de vie.
  • Dilwe Module de Temps, Horloge Temps réel Hors Ligne, Carte Plug-in V1.3 Carte d'horloge Temps réel pour Les Accessoires Mister FPGA, Convient à la Carte terasic de10-nano FPGA
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  • Carte SDRAM XS D V2.9, Carte SDRAM de Remplacement Ultra Mince de Soudage Manuel 128 Mo pour Mister FPGA, pour Terasic FPGA
    Option de remplacement : cette carte SDRAM est adaptée pour la carte pour Terasic FPGA et pour MisTer FPGA, une bonne option de remplacement. Grande mémoire : Carte ultra fine (xs d) v2.9 avec 128 Mo de mémoire SDR SDRAM pour les cœurs nécessitant une plus grande mémoire (> 512 Ko) (y compris pour les cœurs Neo Geo). Bonne performance : carte SDRAM soudée à la main, vous permet de jouer à tous les jeux de bibliothèque Neo Geo ROM, améliore la jouabilité du jeu, très pratique. Matériau de haute qualité : la carte SDRAM est fabriquée en matériau PCB de haute qualité, avec des performances stables et fiables et une longue durée de vie. Design professionnel : chaque carte SDRAM a été entièrement assemblée et testée, testée à 130 MHz pendant plus d'une heure pour garantir une utilisation stable.

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